Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Sociology (Thesis Option), Master of Arts

Admission Criteria

In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see the General Information section of this catalog), applicants for admission to the Master of Arts program in sociology are expected to have completed  an undergraduate major  or minor in sociology or a related discipline. Students who do not meet these criteria may be required to enroll in undergraduate sociology courses before being fully admitted into the program. All application materials  should  be submitted  to the Texas Southern University Graduate School, not to the Department of Sociology. The Department of Sociology Graduate Program Committee will review all applications and make recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School.

Curriculum Summary

Core Curriculum (Thesis)18
Total Hours36

Core Curriculum Requirements (Thesis)

SOC 525Fundamentals of Sociology 13
SOC 554Advanced Sociological Statist3
SOC 557Advanced Sociological Theory3
SOC 559Urban Research Methods3
SOC 899Thesis (A&B) 26
Total Hours18

SOC 525 Fundamentals of Sociology—is required for students who do not have an undergraduate major or minor in sociology and may be taken by other students as an elective.


Thesis research courses receive grades of satisfactory or unsatisfactory only. Grades are assigned only after the defense of the thesis. A successful defense and submission of the thesis requires the supervising member of the faculty to assign a satisfactory grade for the appropriate research course.

Elective Requirements

Select six courses from the following: 18
Topical Seminar
Sociology Of Religion
Seminar in Urban Sociology
Sociology of Family
Seminar In Social Psychology
Crim Jus & Urban Comm
Seminar In Urban Pol Sociology
Seminar in Soc Stratification
Sociology of Learning
Sem In Clinical Soc
Sem in Public and Soc Policy
Race and Ethnicity
Seminar in Gerontology
Advanced Sociological Theory
Advance Project Design
Sociology of Hlth and Medicine
Total Hours18