Academic Catalog 2024-2025

The University’s Library Learning Center

The TSU Library Learning Center (LLC)

The Texas Southern University's Library Learning Center supports the university’s academic and research mission and vision by providing easy access to relevant adequate and appropriate library and information resources, services and support.  These services and resources are designed to enhance and facilitate scholarship. Through information literacy, the library prepares 21st-century learners to be lifelong learners in the information age. The library’s knowledgeable and experienced team provides reference and research assistance, consultation and instruction.

The library’s principal resources consist of comprehensive collections of print and non-print materials that support course offerings, instruction and research. The current print collection consists of fewer than 100,000 circulating items. However, the library licenses and provides access to an impressive collection of over 260 electronic databases, affording access to thousands of full text e-journals. Additional electronic databases provide access to thousands of e-books. Most of these electronic databases are accessible on campus, off campus and through electronic mobile devices.

In support of a multi-disciplinary approach to scholarship, the new Library Learning Center is designed to encourage collaboration and to house a comprehensive collection of relevant resources that support the curriculum.  As increased emphasis on timely access to relevant content drives institutional demands for electronic resources, the library responds by continuously analyzing feedback and strengthening the collections.  Registered students have access to most resources, both on- and off-site.  The library catalog is searchable 24/7.  Materials are classified using the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System and are distributed throughout the third, fourth and fifth floors of the Library Learning Center

To encourage and reinforce study, a number of closed study rooms, individual study carrels, and collaborative study areas are provided on most floors. With the exception of Special Collections, the library maintains open stacks.

Special Collections and the Traditional African Art Gallery are located on the second floor of the Library Learning Center. Many of the University’s “treasures” are housed in these collections. These unique holdings constitute diverse collections with local, state, regional, national and international significance. Among the collections are the Congresswoman Barbara Jordan Archives, The Traditional African Art Gallery, The Heartman Collection on African American Life and Culture, and The University’s Archives.  Hours may vary.

Public access kiosks are located throughout the Library Learning Center. Wireless access is available throughout the Center.  Online Services provided by the Library Learning Center include: bibliographic (course-centered) instruction, information literacy instruction, “Ask A Librarian” (Chat or email), My Account, interlibrary loan and document delivery. Distance Learning Services and reciprocal borrowing from TexShare libraries are available for currently enrolled students, and current TSU employees. Under normal circumstances, students are eligible to borrow materials directly from most Texas state colleges and universities. Additional information regarding this service may be obtained by calling the Library Learning Center (713-313-7402). Other services offered include access to photocopying equipment and free scanning services for persons with disabilities. For more information, see the Texas Southern University’s Library Learning Center’s website or contact the Reference Desk at 713-313-7402.