Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Residential Life and Housing Procedures

The demand for student housing is quite large. Facilities may not be available for all students who apply. To process applications expeditiously, students must request and submit the appropriate application for the type of accommodation desired.

To begin the housing reservation process, a student will submit an electronic housing application via the TSU Housing website at

Housing Reservations

Reservations are made on a priority basis. Freshmen will be served first priority at the freshman housing facility. Sophomores are accommodated at the 2nd level, followed respectively by juniors and seniors. Assignments depend on housing availability.

All domestic and international students should make applications with applicable fees as early as possible prior to the semester or term in which they wish to attend. Applicants must be accepted to the University before applying for housing accommodations.

Students must provide proof of receiving the Meningitis Vaccine prior to applying for housing.

Housing Lease Cancellations/Terminations

All requests for cancellation of housing reservation or termination must be in writing and submitted to the Department of Residential Life & Housing. Requests may also be sent via email to

Resident’s Responsibilities

Students are cautioned to read carefully all terms and conditions stated on the application form, lease agreement, resident handbook, information bulletins, food service contracts and all e-mail communications. Students will be held accountable for adherence to the contents of all contractual information. Once a student is assigned to a room, he/she is responsible for its maintenance (i.e., keeping the room in good condition) and shall be held responsible to the University for damages to equipment and furnishings. Charges will be assessed for damages or defacements beyond normal wear and tear.

Texas Southern University strongly urges students to provide personal property insurance via a rider on the family’s homeowners insurance or by purchase of a personal property insurance policy provided by a third-party insurance provider.

All residents are expected to familiarize themselves with and abide by the Residential Life & Housing Rules and Regulations and the Student Code of Conduct Violation of University Rules and Regulations could result in disciplinary actions taken by Residential Life & Housing Staff, and/or the Office of Student Conduct.