Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Human Services and Consumer Sciences

Undergraduate Degree(s):

The Department of Human Services and Consumer Sciences (HSCS) is one of eight units in the College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences (COLABS). The Department offers the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Human Services and Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Child and Family Development (CFDV). 

The Human Services and Consumer Sciences Department (HSCS) is housed in the Cecelia Scott Lane Building. The Department Office is located in room 103 of that facility. HSCS Department personnel may be contacted at 713-313-7230.

Mission and Goals

The mission of the Department of Human Services and Consumer Sciences is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families in the global society through high quality programs, outreach services and research. The HSCS curriculum is aligned with the University's mission as a special purpose institution of higher education for urban programming with specialized training and experiences related to urban issues in homes, schools, and communities.

Specific goals of the multidisciplinary program include:

  • Preparing self-empowered, competent individuals for entrepreneurial, leadership, and professional roles in child development, human development, family studies, consumer and community services.
  • Increasing the competence of students in planning and conducting research in the areas of Human Services and Consumer Sciences.
  • Preparing individuals to function in roles as innovators, advocates, and knowledgeable Human Services and Consumer Sciences professionals.

The HSCS programs are designed to broaden the students' knowledge concerning:

  • Changing family structure and function; Behavioral aspects of the family;
  • Interrelationships within families and other societal subsystems;

Matriculation Requirements

In pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services and Consumer Sciences, students are not required to declare a minor in a second academic discipline since the HSCS degree plans include concentration requirements.  The Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services and Consumer Sciences require a completion of a minimum of 120 semester credit hours. Transfer students may substitute FS 102 with any college level course to complete the total credit hours required for graduation by their degree plan.

  1. Grade Requirements:
    1. All students who major in HSCS programs of study must earn grades of “C” or better in all courses specified as major or concentration courses
  2. Exam Requirements:
    1. All HSCS majors must take and pass an Exit Exam before graduating. The Exit Exam is administered as part of the CFDV 437 Capstone in Child & Family Dev course.
  3. Health Tests:
    1. All HSCS majors must observe immunization record and health test requirements of clinical and practicum host sites.
  4. Background Checks:
    1. A background check is required of any student participating in a HSCS practicum or clinical experience or the Child and Family Development Lab experience.

Students are referred to the Harris County Criminal Courts Customer Service Department to request a background check. Students are responsible for any associated fees or paperwork.

Students desiring to pursue an undergraduate degree or the minor offered through the Department must first gain admission to the University, satisfy Texas Success Initiative (TSI) or equivalent requirements and must complete any identified deficiencies. They must also petition the Department for admission as TSI and/or equivalent requirements are completed. Once admitted, students will be assigned an official academic advisor with whom they must consult on a semester or term basis to ascertain progress toward completion of major degree or minor requirements.  Additionally, majors in Human Services and Consumer Sciences disciplines should be advised that major courses, especially at the upper level, are offered in rotational sequences. Further, lower level major courses should be completed before enrolling in upper level courses. To ensure quality instruction and outcome competencies, course sequence restrictions will be observed for all HSCS majors.

The Child and Family Development concentration focuses on growth throughout the life span as well as family dynamics and the impact on individual family members. This program prepares individuals for management, entrepreneurial and other professional careers in agencies, institutions, and programs that focus on services for children, youth, adults and families. Some career options include:

  • case workers
  • parent educators
  • family-child educators
  • recreation workers/play therapists
  • civil servants in family service units of police departments
  • early childhood professionals in private, parochial, and public schools (with certification)
  • owners/ directors of schools for young children.

Art and Design Courses

AD 130  Environmental Design  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Environmental Design (2) Introduction to the elements and principles of design. Two hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 130L  Environ Design Lab  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 2  

Environmental Design Laboratory (1) Laboratory course to accompany AD 130. Two hours of laboratory per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 131  Intro To Housing  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Introduction to Housing (2) Space planning, color schemes, and selection of residential furnishings and accessories according to lifestyle and budget considerations. Two hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: AD 130 and AD 130L.

Prerequisite(s): (AD 131L (may be taken concurrently))

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 131L  Intro To Housing Lab  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 2  

Introduction to Housing Laboratory (1) Laboratory course to accompany AD 131. Two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: AD 130 and AD 130L.

Prerequisite(s): (AD 131) and (AD 130L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 133  INTRO TO HOUSING  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 4  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 233  Textiles I  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 330  Visual Merchandising  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 2  

Prerequisite(s): (AD 130 and CT 231 and AD 130L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 331  Adv Prin Des Illus  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): (AD 130 and AD 130L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 433  Textile Design  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Prerequisite(s): (AD 130 and AD 130L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 433L  Textile Design Lab  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 2  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 435  Interior Space & Equipment Pln  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Interior Space and Equipment Planning (1) Planning, design, and budgeting of furnishings and equipment in residential environments. One hour of lecture. Co-requisite AD 435L; Prerequisites; Ad 131 and junior/senior status.

Prerequisite(s): (AD 435L) and (AD 131 or AD 130)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

AD 435L  Int Space & Equipment Plan Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 4  

Interior Space and Equipment Planning Lab (2) Planning, design, and budgeting of furnishings and equipment in residential environments laboratory course to accompany AD 435. Four (4) hours laboratory per week. Prerequisites: AD 131/AD 131L and Junior/Senior status.

Prerequisite(s): AD 435 (may be taken concurrently) and AD 130 or AD 131

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Child and Family Development

CFDV 233  Family Relationships  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Family Relationships (3) Study of interpersonal relationships within the family. Emphasis on analysis of differences in lifestyle and implications of interactions. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 234  Survey Early Childhood Dev  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Survey of Early Childhood Development (3) Study of the child's sequential development from conception through age twelve with primary emphasis on conception through eight years of age. Observations in appropriate settings required. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 235  Interaction with Young Childrn  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Interaction with Young Children (3) Supervised observation and participation with two-to-six-year-old children in a laboratory setting. One hour of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 233 and CFDV 234 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 233 and CFDV 234)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 235L  Interact with Young Child Lab  (0 Credits)  
Lab: 2  

Interaction with Young Children Laboratory (0) Laboratory course to accompany CFDV 235. Four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 233 and CFDV 234 or consent of the instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 331  Methods in Child Study  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Multicultural Strategies (3) Study and interpretation of developmentally appropriate assessment techniques necessary for understanding and guiding the behavior of children. Observations in appropriate settings required. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): CFDV 234 and CFDV 235

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 332  Children's Play Dev and Role  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Children's Play: Development and Role (3) Study of the theories of play and use of materials relating to broad areas of growth and development. Emphasis on application of theories to program areas and appropriate use of materials. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 333  Meth & Proc in Early Child Dev  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Methods and Procedures in Early Childhood Development (3) Program planning, implementation, and evaluation in the early childhood setting. Observation of children in supervised setting required. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 334  Pre-Adolescent/Adolescent Dev  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Pre-Adolescence and Adolescent Development (3) Study of the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development of children from pubescence through adolescence. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 335  Independent Study in Cfdev  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Independent Study (3) Independent study in area of specialization. Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 430  Special Topics in Child / Fam  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Special Topics (3) Intensive study of professional interest in child development. With class designation, this course may be used up to four (4) times for a total of twelve (12) hours. Senior Project. Project hours to be determined by the instructor of record. Junior /Senior standing.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 431  Theories in Child Dev  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Theories in Child Development (3) Survey of theories relevant to principles of learning in the cognitive, social/emotional, and physiological areas of development at the early childhood level. Observations in appropriate settings required. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 432  Children's Literature  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Children's Literature (3) Analysis of children's books with emphasis on literacy and language development enhancement for children. Extensive reading of books by outstanding authors and illustrators included. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or consent of the instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 433  Multicultural Strategies  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Multicultural Strategies (3) Study of the impact of various cultures on the American system with implications for early childhood program development. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 434  Practicum I  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Practicum I (3) Educationally directed and supervised practical experience in an early childhood setting or family service agency. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 234 and CFDV 235)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 435  Child Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Child Nutrition (3) Principles of nutrition affecting growth and development from conception through early childhood. Emphasis on menu planning, preparation, portion control, and nutritional requirements in early childhood programs. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: FN 233 or consent of the instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 436  Parenting  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Parenting (3) Study of theoretical procedures and techniques for use in guiding the behavior and development of the child. Application of current research on parenting models utilized. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 or consent of the instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CFDV 437  Capstone in Child & Family Dev  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2  

Capstone in Child & Family Development (3) Comprehensive study of the integrative, synergistic nature of the field of Child & Family Development from a historical, theoretical, and practical perspective. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

Prerequisite(s): (CFDV 233 and CFDV 234 and CFDV 235 and CFDV 332 and CFDV 334 and CFDV 431 and CFDV 432)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Clothing and Textiles Courses

CT 130  Clothing Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Clothing Behavior (3) The psychological, sociological, and aesthetic aspects of clothing. Research project required. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 131  Basic Cloth Concepts  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 1  

Basic Clothing Concepts (1) Study of basic clothing construction. One hour of lecture per week. Co-requisite: CT 131L.

Prerequisite(s): CT 131L (may be taken concurrently)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 131L  Basic Cloth Concepts Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lab: 4  

Basic Clothing Concepts Laboratory (2) Laboratory course to accompany CT 131. Four hours of laboratory per week. Co-requisite: CT 131.

Prerequisite(s): CT 131 (may be taken concurrently)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 141  Basic Clothing Concepts  (4 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 4  

Basic Clothing Concepts (2) Study of basic clothing construction. Two hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 230  Costume History  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 231  Fashion Merchandising I  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 232  Fashion Merchandising II  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 231)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 233  Textiles I  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2  

Textiles I (2) Study of fiber properties, yarns, fabric structures, and finishes as related to serviceability. Two (2) hours of lecture per week. Co-requisite CT 131L.

Prerequisite(s): (CT 233L (may be taken concurrently))

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 233L  Textiles I Laboratory  (1 Credits)  
Lab: 1  

Textiles I Laboratory (1) Laboratory course to accompany CT 233. Two (2) hours of laboratory per week. Co-requisite: CT 233.

Prerequisite(s): (CT 233 (may be taken concurrently))

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 235  Productions Patterns  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 1  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 141 and CT 141L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 243  Textiles I  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Textiles I (3) Study of fiber properties, yarns, fabric structures, and finishes as related to serviceability. Three hours of lecture per week.

Prerequisite(s): (CT 233L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 243L  Textiles I Lab  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 2  

Textiles I Laboratory (1) Laboratory course to accompany CT 243. Two hours of laboratory per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 333L  Textiles II Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 4  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 334  Prin Costume Design  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 2  

Prerequisite(s): (AD 130 and AD 130L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 338  Intro Field Exper  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 430  Retail Mgmt & Promotion  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 232)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 432  Expermtl Clothing  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 2  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 337 and CT 337L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 435  Draping I  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 2  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 141 and CT 141L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

CT 461  Field Experience  (6 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 4  

Prerequisite(s): (CT 141 and CT 141L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Dietetics/Food And Nutrition Courses

NUTR 116  Seminar In Nutrition and Dietetics  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 1  

Introduction to Dietetics and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), including its purpose, membership requirements, professional ethics, by-laws, and career opportunities in dietetics, food service industries, and health care facilities. One hour of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 235  Introduction to Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Introduction to essential nutrients - their food sources, physiological functions, human needs to meet nutritional requirements at different stages of the life cycle, current nutrition trends and controversies. 3 credit hour course per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 240  Introduction to Food Preparation  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 3  

Introduction to selection, preparation and storage of food based on chemical and physical properties, applying food preparation techniques, understanding food components and their specific nature and behavior during preparation, evaluation of quality in food products. Course includes ServSafe Certification.

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 235 and CHEM 231 and CHEM 211 and BIOL 246)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 335  Nutrition and Aging  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Examines nutritional needs during aging due to physiological; factors influencing food intake and nutritional status of the elderly; therapeutic diets for chronic diseases commonly found in older adults. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 235, BIOL 136, BIOL 136L, CHEM 343, or instructor’s consent. "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 235 and BIOL 136 and BIOL 136L and CHEM 343)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 336  Nutrition Thru Life Cycle  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Examines nutritional needs through the life cycle with emphasis on physiological, metabolic, cultural, environmental, psychosocial, genetic, and environmental factors. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 235, BIOL 136, BIOL 136L "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 235 and BIOL 136 and BIOL 136L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 337  Nutrition and Physical Activity  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Examines nutritional needs for optimum performance; physical activity and fitness. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 235, BIOL 136, BIOL 136L, CHEM 343, or instructor’s consent. "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 235 and BIOL 136 and BIOL 136L and CHEM 343)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 340  Experimental Food lab  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 2  

Analysis of chemical and physical properties of food, study of ingredient functions and factors affecting food product quality as measured by sensory and objective methods, current practices and trends in food technology. Reseach design, data collection and analysis.

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 240 and CHEM 231 and CHEM 211 and BIOL 246)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 350  Culture, Society and Foods  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Discusses cultural beliefs and practices; religion, food supplies, and socioeconomic status and their impact on food choices and nutritional status. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 336, NUTR 240, PSY 131, SOC 157, BIOL 246 "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 336 and NUTR 240 and PSY 131 and SOC 157 and BIOL 246)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 423  Community Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Discusses the role of nutrition in promoting, maintaining and improving health in the community; financial, legislative, political, sociological, and scientific aspects of public and community health; analytical tools, grantsmanship; role of public and private agencies in community nutrition programs; goals and trends in community nutrition. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 336, NUTR 350 "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 336 and NUTR 350)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 430  Nutrition Counseling Education  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2  

"The application of principles and hands-on experience of counseling, motivational techniques, and communication skills dietetics/nutrition practice. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 456, NUTR 450 CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 460, NUTR 460L "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 456 and NUTR 450)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 440  Food Production Systems  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2  

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 240)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 440L  Food Production System Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lab: 2  

"The application of principles in foodservice production systems with emphasis on equipment, safe food handling, quality standards and controls, menu planning, and environmental issues. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 440 (Food Production Systems). PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 240, SERVSAFE certification, verification of immunization – current TB test, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, H1N1 flu shot, seasonal flu shot, and hepatitis B series (are in the process of getting series). You will need to submit copy of SERVSAFE certification and immunization records to instructor to be registered for the course. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 440. CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 440 "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 240)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 445  Food Systems Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Discusses management principles with emphasis on how they apply to food systems - human resources, food, equipment and facilities to provide a quality product and service to customers/clients/patients. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 440, NUTR 440L "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 440 and NUTR 440L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 450  Nutr Status Assessment Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lab: 2  

"Provides training in nutrition status assessment techniques - laboratory methods for collection and interpretation of demographic, dietary, anthropometric, biochemical and clinical data. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 456 (Advanced Nutrition I) CO-REQUISTISES: NUTR 457 (Advanced Nutrition II) "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 456)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 456  Advanced Nutrition I  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 336 and BIOL 136 and BIOL 136L and CHEM 343)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 457  Advanced Nutrition II  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"Examines biochemical and molecular aspects of vitamins and minerals; interrelationship of nutrients; principles of determining nutritional requirements of individuals and clinical applications. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 456 This course requires extensive preparation and relies heavily on your previous knowledge of physiology and biochemistry. Course material will focus on integrating nutrient function into physiological and biochemical processes. CO-REQUISTISES: NUTR 450 (Nutritional Status Assessment Lab) "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 456)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 460  Medical Nutrition TherapyI  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 457 and PHAR 212)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 460L  Medical Nutrition Therapy I Lab  (1 Credits)  
Lab: 1  

"The application of the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) and evidence-based practice to specific pathophysiological conditions - includes nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 460. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 457, PHAR 212. This course requires extensive preparation and relies heavily on your previous knowledge of advanced nutrition, anatomy, microbiology, physiology and biochemistry. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 460. CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 460, NUTR 430 "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 457 and PHAR 212)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 461  Medi Nutrition Therapy II  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

"The application of the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) and evidence-based practice to specific pathophysiological conditions - includes nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 461L (Medical Nutrition Therapy Lab II). PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 460, NUTR 460L, NUTR 430. This course requires extensive preparation and relies heavily on your previous knowledge of advanced nutrition, anatomy, microbiology, physiology and biochemistry. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 461L. CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 461L "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 460 and NUTR 460L and NUTR 430)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 461L  Medi Nutrition Theraphy II  (1 Credits)  
Lab: 1  

"The application of the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) and evidence-based practice to specific pathophysiological conditions - includes nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 461 (Medical Nutrition Therapy II). PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 460, NUTR 460L, NUTR 430. This course requires extensive preparation and relies heavily on your previous knowledge of advanced nutrition, anatomy, microbiology, physiology and biochemistry. This course must be taken concurrently with NUTR 461. CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 461

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 460 (may be taken concurrently) and NUTR 460L and NUTR 430)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

NUTR 490  CapstoneSeminar  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 1  

"The discussion of current and emerging health and nutrition related issues. PREQUISTISTES: NUTR 460, NUTR 460L, senior standing status. CO-REQUISTISTES: NUTR 461, NUTR 461L "

Prerequisite(s): (NUTR 460 and NUTR 460L)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Human Services and Consumer Science Courses

HSCS 233  Sem in Hum Serv & Con Sci  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Human Physio-Psychosocial Well Being (3) Application of interdisciplinary concepts contributing to the physiological, psychosocial, intellectual development, and well-being of individuals and families. Discussion of the decision-making process relative to these concepts. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

HSCS 430  Research Methods  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Research in Human Services and Consumer Sciences (3) Senior project and intensive study in student's area of specialization and interest. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (HSCS 233)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

HSCS 437  Statistics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Statistics (3) Survey of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Emphasis on understanding and interpreting statistical concepts used in research. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: Advanced senior standing or consent of the instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Family and Consumer Sciences Courses

FCS 334  Career Opprtunities  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Career Opportunities in Family and Consumer Sciences (3) Survey of current professional opportunities and preparation for the job search process. Overview of the transition from a student to professional role. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 335  Priniples of Family Consumer  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Principles of Family and Consumer Sciences (3) Study and evaluation of the ethical principles related to the fi eld of family and consumer sciences. May be used for family life certifi cation. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 411  IND STUDY IN FAM & CONS SCI  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 1, Lab: 0  

Independent Study in Family and Consumer Sciences (1) Independent study in an area of specialization.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 420  IND STUDY IN FAM & CONS SCI  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

Independent Study in Family and Consumer Sciences (2) Independent study in an area of specialization.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 430  Special Topics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Special Topics (3) Intensive study of professional interest in family & consumer sciences. With class designation, this course may be used up to four (4) times for a total of twelve (12) hours. Prerequisites: Junior Senior status or consent of instructor.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 431  Aging & Health Needs*  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Aging and Health Needs (3) Analysis of specifi c programs and services impacting the needs of an aging population, including health care, health care management, consumer issues, public policies, and familial relations.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 432  Program Planning and Methodology  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Program Planning and Methodology in Human Services and Consumer Sciences (3) Methods and procedures for planning, developing, and implementing programs in Human Services & Consumer Sciences. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: College Of Education

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 433  Methods of Teaching FCS  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 434  Occu Prog & Public Policy  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Occupational Programs Public Policy (3) Planning and implementing programs in occupational family sciences. Study and evaluation of selected legislation and public policy related to family science and its impact of families. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 435  Communication: Fam & Marriage*  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Communication: Family and Marriage (3) Personal and professional growth and development through more effective communication within the family milieu and the marital unit. Three hours of lecture per week.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 436  Consumer Resource Mgt  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Family Resource Management (3) Study of attitudes, concepts, skills, and understanding of consumers which contribute to their satisfaction in the choice of goods and services. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: HSCS 233.

Prerequisite(s): HSCS 233

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 437  Capstone in FCS  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 438  Fam & Conumer Economics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Study of consumer management principles and income distribution patterns relative to time and money use decision by the family. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: HSCS 233.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 439  Family & Com Services  (1 Credits)  
Lecture: 1, Lab: 0  

Utilization of family and consumer sciences perspectives in family service agencies within government, public, and private sectors. One hour of lecture per week. Prerequisite: HSCS 233 and FCS 436.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 439L  Family & Comm Serv Lab  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 0, Lab: 4  

Practicum to accompany FCS 439. Four hours per week. Prerequisites: HSCS 233 and FCS 436.

Prerequisite(s): (HSCS 233 and FCS 436)

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Independent study in area of specialization.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci

FCS 441  CAPSTONE FAM & CONSUMER SC  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

Comprehensive study of the integrative, synergistic nature of the field of family sciences from a historical, theoretical, and practical perspective. The Senior Exit Examiniation also administered. Prerequisite: SeniorStatus.

College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie

Department: Human Serv & Consumer Sci