Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Regulations

Course Scheduling Policy

The primary goal of the Academic Scheduling Process is to maximize the probability that all students receive their choice of courses required for graduation on a timely basis (within the prescribed number of semesters) by providing a conflict-free resource environment (staff, space, and courses) which minimizes operating and capital costs.

The length of the academic week and variations in time patterns used in constructing a schedule of classes play important roles in the effectiveness of the academic schedule. Time patterns are the configurations of days and hours to be used in setting up the schedule of classes. If a standard set of patterns is chosen, with compatible starting and ending times, schedules will fit together more easily. If patterns are dissimilar, more conflicts will occur within a given academic week. In addition, when courses are concentrated at one time, students have minimum course selectivity, no scheduling flexibility and will require maximum staff and space resources.

The probability of a student obtaining a conflict-free schedule can be greatly increased when the courses are distributed throughout the hours of the day and the days of the week. Thus, it is highly desirable to distribute course offerings evenly over an academic week, thus providing for the largest number of non-conflicting time patterns.

General Policy Regarding the Academic Scheduling Process

The policy for class scheduling is established by the Office of the Provost and implemented by the Office of the University Registrar. General objectives in building the Schedule of Classes include providing workable schedules for students by departments, ensuring access to courses by students, and making efficient use of educational buildings.

Scheduling Strategies

  • Departments must strictly adhere to the approved standard set of time patterns.
  • All classes are to be scheduled to start at the hour or half-hour.
  • Departments must schedule all multiple lecture and laboratory sections so that student course enrollments will be distributed approximately equally between mornings and afternoons and between the different meeting patterns (TR vs. MWF).
  • Since the goal is to provide all students with the largest number of opportunities to register for as many courses as possible, departments should make efforts to schedule courses during non-peak hours. Peak hours are between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
  • Because the standard meeting lengths are in 50- and 75-minute time blocks, non-standard sections should be offered in multiples of these times to avoid end times that preclude students from registering for courses that may follow the non-standard section.
  • All Colleges and Schools have the ability to schedule their own classrooms.

Required Class Meeting Length (note this table is based on contact hours not semester credit hours)

Contract time for courses Meeting Sequences Required Length for Each Class Meeting
For 4 hour classes MTWR 50 min
For 4 hour classes MW1 or TR 1 hour 50 min
For 3 hour classes MWF 50 min
For 3 hour classes MW1 or TR 1 hour 15min
For 3 hour classes2 T or R 2 hours 50 min
For 2 hour classes MW or MF or TR or WF 50 min
For 2 hour classes T or R 1 hour 50 min
For 1 hour classes3 M or T or W or R or F 50 min

Courses may only be scheduled using these sequences after 3:00 pm.


Laboratory courses only


Before 9 AM or after 3 PM or at Noon (12PM) if the courses 300-level or higher. This will lessen the impact on student’s schedules and room utilization.

  • The scheduling policy is not in effect for summer terms or mini terms.
  • Courses with designated laboratory/demonstration time built into the course may treat the lecture and laboratory contact hours as separate or combined courses.
  • Exceptions to Approved Patterns Courses that receive prior approval from the Registrar may deviate from the scheduled time patterns reflected. Approval will be granted on a case-by-case basis and will be approved only if a compelling argument can be made as to why the approved patterns will not meet the needs of the department.

Load Limit

The normal load is 15 to 18 semester credit hours. A student may not carry more than 18 hours of course work in any long term or semester without the approval of his or her dean and the head of the department in which the student is a major. The maximum load for any student in a regular semester is 21 hours. Students who are working may be required by the dean to reduce their loads. A student enrolled in a summer term (part of term) or mini may not normally carry more than 7 hours in each part of term. Under special conditions a student may, with permission of his or her dean, carry 8 hours in one part of term provided he or she carries no more than 6 hours during the other part of term of that summer. Under no circumstances may a student earn more than 14 semester hours from any source in one summer.

Full-Time and Part-Time Status

The full-time or part-time status of students is determined by the descriptors listed in the table below.

Full-Time/Part-Time Status Undergraduate Fall/Spring Undergraduate 6-week Summer term
Full-time 12 or more credit hours 6
3/4 time 9-11 4-5
1/2 time 6-8 3
Less than 1/2 time 1-5 0-2
1/4 time 1-3 X


Undergraduate students’ classification is determined as follows:

Classification Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior
Credit hours earned 0-29 30-59 60-89 90+

Class Attendance Regulations

All students are required to be present for all class meetings of any course in which they are enrolled (Asynchronous online classes are exceptions). Students are responsible for learning about, becoming knowledgeable of, and complying with the attendance policy stated in the catalog and/or faculty syllabus. Faculty members will provide details on the rules for attendance in their classes in their course syllabi. Faculty members will keep students’ attendance records.

Record Keeping

A record of absences will be maintained by the instructor. This does not excuse the student from the obligation of independently knowing and keeping record of his or her absences. Furthermore, the student is responsible for notifying the instructor of any absences in advance when possible, or in a timely manner upon the student’s return.  When requested by the student, the instructor will inform whether make-up work is allowed and whether the absences jeopardize the student’s standing in a class.


Students who register for courses for a semester must attend their classes starting on the first day of class. Students who have not attended classes up to the 8th and 12th day of classes in Fall and Spring and the 4th class day of the Summer terms will be reported to the Registrar’s office for nonattendance. A student who is reported for non-attendance will be dropped from those classes which he or she has not attended.


Students enrolled in online courses will be dropped from the course if they have not completed at least one academic assignment prior to the official drop date. No reinstatement will be allowed for students who have not met this academic responsibility.

Students who have supporting documentation offering explanation for their absence(s) must present their documentation to the instructor who reported them for nonattendance. The instructor may evaluate the student’s supporting documentation and hear their case. If the request for consideration is denied, it is the responsibility of the student to register for the class in a future term. If the instructor approves the student for reinstatement, the instructor will submit a non-attendance reinstatement form for the student’s reinstatement to the Chair of the Department who will seek approval of the Dean of the school or college. If the Dean approves the request for reinstatement, he or she will submit the approved non-attendance reinstatement form to the Registrar’s Office for the student’s reinstatement.

Change of Major

A student in an undergraduate department of the University who can satisfy admission requirements of another undergraduate department within the same college or school may transfer to it with the approval of the department chairs concerned.

Transferring from One Branch to Another

A student in an undergraduate college or school of the University who can satisfy admission requirements of another undergraduate branch may transfer to it with the approval of the department chairs and deans concerned.

Changes in Class Schedule (Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals)

A student may make changes in class schedules with the approval of his or her advisor and of the department in which the course is offered. A service fee is charged for each change in program.

Course changes must be made in person under the following conditions:

  1. Adding courses. In adding courses, the student must obtain the approval of his or her faculty advisor and the department in which the course is offered.
  2. Dropping courses. A student may, for good cause, drop a course with the approval of his or her faculty advisor and the department in which the course is offered under the following provisions:
    1. During the first twelve days of any semester or the first four days of a summer/mini term, a student may drop a course without having a grade recorded for the course.
    2. After the twelfth or fourth class day, a student may drop a course without penalty prior to the published deadline. A grade of W will be recorded. State legislation enforces a limit of six (6) recorded drops, excluding withdrawals, over the college career of a student who enrolls in a Texas public institution of higher education as a first-time freshman beginning fall 2007 or later. Documentation of good cause must accompany any request for exception.
    3. After the published deadline, a student will be permitted to drop a course only upon approval of the student’s dean and only for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons acceptable to the dean.

Drop Policy: Documentation for the Unofficial Withdrawal of Students

Documentation for the Unofficial Withdrawal of Students Academic Pursuit

A student is encouraged to attend classes regularly and has the responsibility for performance of the work of the course, including the taking of examinations at the time they are administered to the entire class.

Definition of Grade/Academic Progress Rosters

  • The Twelfth Day Roster is the faculty report of students that are attending classes as of the state reporting date.
  • The Mid-Term Roster is the faculty report of the student’s academic progress up to the mid-point of the semester.
  • The 60% Roster is the faculty report of students that have stopped attending classes by the 60% mark of the semester, which is usually the week after midterm or the 10th week of the fall/spring session. The Office of the Registrar generates the 60% Roster by asking faculty to submit the names of students who have stopped attending classes. This roster is then generated to withdraw students from classes, thereby helping them to avoid earning “Fs” solely for non-attendance.
  • The Final Grade Roster is the faculty report of the student’s academic progress for the term, inclusive of the final examination period.


Students are considered as non-attending when they have been recorded as ceasing to participate in academic-related activities, such as outlined in the University Catalog. Students may be reported as non-attending on any grade/academic progress report roster. Students failing to meet the attendance standards as outlined in the University Catalog will be administratively withdrawn (AW) from the course based on the last known date the student successfully completed an academic activity as documented in the course of record. The process is completed as follows:

  • The Office of the Registrar will distribute the rosters to the respective instructors of record for the term.
    • The instructors will record the students’ status with the appropriate code or grade for the time frame.
    • On the twelfth day roster, the instructor will indicate a non-attending (NAT) status for the student.
    • The instructors will enter the last date of attendance (LDA) only for students who cease to be enrolled on the mid- term, and final grade roster.
    • Additionally, the instructor must enter a last date of attendance for any student receiving an “F” or “U” on the final grade roster.

Procedures for Implementing Grade/Academic Roster Drops

  1. The Office of the Registrar will provide the college or school of the respective course(s) the names of students reported with a last date of attendance after the submission of the twelfth, mid-term, 60% and final grade rosters.
  2. The Office of the Registrar will simultaneously forward an email to the student informing him/her of any drops occurring prior to the final examination period, thereby notifying the student that he/she has been reported as non-attending. Students will be encouraged to contact their instructors if they believe they were marked as nonattending in error.
  3. The associate/assistant dean of each college or school will verify the roster by working with the department chair and his/her faculty instructors on the students’ attendance status. The department chair will communicate the findings to the associate/assistant dean. The associate/assistant dean will review the grade/academic progress rosters and make requests for reinstatements of students no later than five (5) business days after the generation of the list by the Office of the Registrar.
  4. The Grade/Academic Progress rosters will be used as documentation for drops and withdrawals.
    1. The final grade report will include a record of the last date of attendance for any student receiving an “F” or “U” for the term. Prior to exiting the term, the instructor of record will be required to enter the date on the student’s record. The last date of attendance will serve as the record of the student earning the grade for the term. Students will receive an electronic grade report containing final grades via the TSU MyWeb account.

Determination of Reinstatements 

  1. Once a student has been withdrawn or reported as attending and earning zero credit hours, the student will have an opportunity to offer supporting documentation that explains his/her reason(s) for non-attendance. This documentation must be presented to the instructor who reported the student for nonattendance during the non-attendance reinstatement period provided on the academic calendar.
  2. The instructor may evaluate the student’s supporting documentation and hear the case. The decision to reinstate or uphold the withdrawal will be forwarded to the student in writing and to the associate/assistant dean, with a copy to the department chair. The associate/assistant dean will communicate with the Office of the Registrar.

Determination of “Unofficial Withdrawal”

  1. A student who is withdrawn for non-attendance from all courses is essentially considered an “Unofficial Withdrawal” and may owe a payment to the financial aid programs based on the length of time the student remained actively enrolled in the course. For additional information on the withdrawal calculation for Title IV aid, students may visit
  2. The Office of Student Accounting will perform the withdrawal calculation and any balance resulting from the return of funds will be due and immediately payable to the university. The Office of Student Accounting will forward written notification (email or paper) to the address on file for the student’s record and action.


To ensure his or her possible future standing with the University, a student has the right to withdraw officially. A student wishing to withdraw from the University. In order to officially withdraw, the student must fill out a withdraw form and submit it for processing to the Registrar’s Office after he or she has returned all library books, surrendered his or her activity books, and cleared himself or herself with all offices at the University. A student failing to do these things will not be eligible for restitution of any fees.

The term “honorable dismissal” will not be given unless the student’s standing as to conduct and character is such as to entitle him or her continuance in the University. The grade to be recommended for the student will be in keeping with the regulation for dropping courses.

Students will have exactly one year from the last of date of registration, for the term they are petitioning attendance to provide documentation of non-attendance. No withdrawals or return of financial aid will be processed past this timeframe. The student will be responsible for bill, per their student accounts.

Non-Payment Reinstatement

Students who are administratively withdrawn from their classes because of nonpayment of tuition and fees may petition for reinstatement if; and only if, extraordinary circumstances prevail. Students that are purged for nonpayment will be sent a nonpayment reinstatement form from the Registrar’s Office and must return the petition with evidence of suitable payment options. The Registrar’s Office reviews all such petitions on a case- by-case basis. All approved petitions are subject to a late payment fee and a reinstatement fee.

Course Numbering

We are implementing a new numbering system that is (4 x 4 - for example ENGL 1301).  Lower division undergraduate courses are currently numbered from 100 to 299 and you will also see them 1000-2999, whereas upper-division undergraduate courses are numbered 300 to 499 and will be 3000-4999. Upper division courses that may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit upon prior approval of the student’s advisor and Dean of the Graduate School are listed in the Graduate Bulletin. Courses numbered 500 (5000) and above, except in pharmacy, carry graduate credit and are open only to graduate students.

Unit of Credit and Grade Point Average

  1. The unit of credit is the semester hour. A semester hour represents the equivalent of one recitation or lecture hour per week for one semester.
  2. The following grades and quality points per semester hour were used in evaluating the work of students in courses at the University in the past:
    Grade Meaning Prior to fall 1977 Beginning Fall 1977
    A+, A Excellent 3.00 4.00
    B Good 2.00 3.00
    C Average 1.00 2.00
    D Poor but Passing 0 1.00
    I Incomplete 0 0
    F Failure 0 0
    W Withdrawal 0 0
    S Satisfactory 0
    U Unsatisfactory 0
    N No Grade Submitted 0
    P Pass 0
  3. Beginning the Fall of 1991, the following grades and quality points were and are now used:

    Grade Meaning Grade or Quality Points Per Credit
    A+, A Excellent 4.00
    A- Intermediate Grade 3.67
    B+ Intermediate Grade 3.33
    B Good 3.00
    B- Intermediate Grade 2.67
    C+ Intermediate Grade 2.33
    C Satisfactory 2.00
    C- Intermediate Grade 1.67
    D+ Intermediate Grade 1.33
    D Marginal 1.00
    D- Intermediate Grade 0.67
    F Failure 0
    I Incomplete 0
    N No Grade Submitted 0
    P Passing 0
    R In Progress 0
    S Satisfactory 0
    U Unsatisfactory 0
    W Withdrawal 0
    WT Withdrawal, Test Requirement NOT Fulfilled 0
  4. The grade “R,” meaning “In Progress,” is given only when the work in a course extends beyond the semester or term. It implies satisfactory performance. The grade “R” will not alter the quality point average of the student inasmuch as hours attempted, hours earned, and quality points earned will not be entered in cumulative totals.
  5. The grade of “I” is given only when a student’s work is satisfactory in quality, but because of reasons beyond his or her control, the work has not been completed. The missing work may be a major quiz, a final examination, a term paper, or other work. It is not given in lieu of an F. The instructor will stipulate, in writing, at the time the grade is given the conditions under which the “I” may be removed. This temporary grade of “I” is non-punitive and semester hours for the course are not considered in the computation of the quality-point average. Removal must be within one calendar year after the “I” is assigned, or the “I” grade shall become an “F.” The grade “I” is not assigned if the student must retake the course. In the event a student who earns a grade of “I” decides to retake the course, the student is required to pay for that course a second time.
  6. The grade of “W” is given for a course officially dropped by the student after the twelfth class day of a regular semester or the fourth class day of a summer term and before mid-semester or midterm.
  7. In cases where students repeat courses, the highest grade earned must be used in the determination of the student’s official grade point average at all stages and in the determination of eligibility for graduation. (Undergraduate only)
  8. The terms “grade point average (GPA)” and “quality point average” are used interchangeably. In all cases, these averages are calculated by dividing the total quality points earned (see chart above) by the total semester credit hours attempted.

Grade Notification

Final grades are electronically disclosed to students at the end of each term, no later than fourteen (14) days after all final examinations have been completed.

Academic Standing Policy



Current Term (Semester)

Cumulative/Institution (cumulative at institution by semester)

Overall (cumulative plus transfer)

Good Academic Standing: Students with a current term GPA or overall GPA of 2.00 or above are in Good Academic Standing.

To remain in good academic standing students must maintain a current term or cumulative GPA over 2.0. Those who fail to meet this standard are subject to the notice, probationary and suspension policies set by the University described in this document. The College and Schools adhere to the University policies on probation and suspension. Students wishing to re-enroll after suspension must follow the set University procedures.

Students pursuing majors and/or minors through the various departments in the Colleges/schools are strongly cautioned that many programs have their own specific cumulative GPA and grade requirements that are higher than the University’s minimum GPA requirement. Students must adhere to these policies to remain in their chosen program. 

Academic Notice: Students who do not attain a cumulative (institution only) or Institutional GPA of at least a 2.0 for the semester are placed on academic notice. They may register for a maximum of 15 hours. A student who is on Academic notice can return to good academic standing if they achieve a current term GPA or cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. Students are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities when on Academic Notice. Students on Academic Notice must seek advisement in registering for their next semester.

Academic Probation: Students who do not attain good academic standing in the semester immediately following academic notice are placed on Academic Probation. They may register for a maximum of 15 hours. A student who is on academic probation can return to good academic standing if they achieve a current term GPA or overall GPA of 2.0 or above. Students are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities when on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation must seek advisement in registering for their next semester. 

Academic Suspension:  Students on Academic Probation earning a current term GPA and overall GPA below 2.00, are placed on Academic Suspension. 

  1. The first academic suspension is for a period of at least one long semester (fall or spring).
    • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a fall term are eligible to re-enroll following the end of the subsequent spring term.
    • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a spring term are eligible to re-enroll following the end of the subsequent fall term.
    • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a summer term are eligible to re-enroll following the end of the subsequent fall term.

Any suspension after the first one will be for a period of one year. At the end of the suspension period, students will need to apply for re-admission to the University.

Students who believe that extenuating circumstances contributed to their suspension may appeal their case to the College/School. 

Students earning a current term GPA of 0.0 will automatically be placed on academic suspension.

Without regard to these regulations, the dean of an academic   unit (college/school) may place on academic probation, retain on probation, or suspend any majors in that academic unit whose academic records are deficient for the specific majors within that unit. The dean also may remove from academic probation or academic suspension any majors in the academic unit whose academic progress warrants such action. However, the dean of an academic unit cannot remove a student from suspension who has not followed all prescribed steps for returning to Texas Southern University.

Visiting summer students are not subject to academic probation or suspension. Upon their admittance as regular students, however, all grades earned contribute to their academic progress assessment.

Readmission from Academic Suspension

Readmission from academic suspension is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Students seeking readmission must submit:

  1. An application for Readmission must be submitted if student has been out for longer than 1 year.
  2. Transcripts of all other completed college work (Official copies) must also be submitted to the Office of Admissions if students attended elsewhere.
  3. The Dean or their designee will review the application for readmission.

Students seeking to change their major from the college from which they were suspended to another college must submit a “Change of Major” request for approval of the new college/school of the new major. A new degree plan for the intended major shall be completed upon acceptance.

Semester Academic Honors

Academic honors are earned for performance during each fall and spring semester of enrollment in accord with requirements summarized below. Academic honors are not bestowed during summer terms. Distinctions earned as a result of academic performance become a part of students’ permanent records.

Academic Distinction Required GPA for Semester Conditions for Designation of Academic Distinction
President's List 3.75 to 4.00 A minimum of 12 semester credits completed; a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 earned; no grades earned below “B”; and no grades of “I”, “W”, “P”, or “S” earned
Dean's List 3.50 to 3.74 A minimum of 12 semester credits completed
Honor Roll 3.00 to 3.49 A minimum of 12 semester credits completed

Correspondence Courses

Texas Southern University offers no correspondence courses. A student in residence at this institution will be permitted to receive credit for correspondence courses from other institutions only when written permission to take the courses has been granted in advance by the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Each request made by a student of the University for credit in courses taken by correspondence will be considered on its own merits by the registrar and the dean involved. Credit earned in a course completed by correspondence will be accepted only if the final examination is taken under the supervision of the Registrar of Texas Southern University.

Not more than twelve (12) semester hours of credit taken in correspondence work may be applied toward the requirements for an undergraduate degree. (No graduate credit will be given for work done by correspondence.) Further, inasmuch as the last thirty (30) semester hours of credit for an undergraduate degree must be taken in residence, no credit earned by correspondence may be applied toward the requirements for an undergraduate degree after the student has earned ninety-four (94) semester hours of credit applicable toward the requirements for a degree. Any exceptions to this rule must be made by the appropriate undergraduate dean.

Scholastic Dishonesty

Students must maintain a high standard of honesty in their academic work. They should avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, especially the following:

  • Plagiarism. The appropriation of passages, either word for word (or in substance) from the writing of another and the incorporation of these as one’s own written work offered for credit.
  • Collusion. Working with another person in the preparation of notes, themes, reports, or other written work offered for credit unless such collaboration is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.
  • Cheating on an Examination or Quiz. Giving or receiving, offering or soliciting information, or using prepared material in an examination or testing situation is expressly forbidden. On examinations and quizzes students are expected
    1. to remain in the examination room until the examination is finished,
    2. to refrain from talking, and
    3. to refrain from bringing notes and books into the examination room.
  • Impersonation. Allowing another person to attend classes, take examinations or to do graded assignments for an enrolled student under his or her name is strictly forbidden.

A violator of any of the above offenses will incur severe disciplinary action ranging from suspension to expulsion from the University. 

Academic Grievances

Purpose. The following procedures are designed to provide a means for undergraduate students to petition for review of final course grades alleged to be incorrect. Before filing a formal appeal, students are urged to resolve grievances informally with the instructor of the course. Students filing a written appeal shall be expected to abide by the final decision of the committee, as provided for in these procedures. This decision precludes any further review under any other procedure within the University.

Conditions. A student may seek a review of a final grade if he or she feels that one of the following conditions applies:

  • A grade was assigned on some basis other than performance in the course, or
  • the standards applied to a grade were not the same as those applied to other students in the course, or
  • the assigned grade represents a substantial and unannounced departure from the instructor’s previously stated standards.

Procedures. A student who feels that his or her grade is incorrect should

  1. Confer promptly with the instructor of the course. If the instructor is unavailable and cannot be reached by the student after a reasonable effort, then the student shall consult with the chair of the department offering the course. If the student and instructor or department chair are unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, the student may fi le an appeal within twenty (20) days after the first day of class of the next semester (not including summers) with a standing committee of three (3) tenured faculty members of the department offering the course. If the instructor of the course is a member of the committee, he or she shall be replaced by a tenured faculty member selected by the chair of the department.
  2. File an appeal by submitting to the departmental committee a detailed statement regarding the alleged improper grade, as well as any relevant evidence. The appeal shall be dismissed if
    1. the student has submitted the same or substantially the same complaint to any other grade review procedure,
    2. the appeal is not timely, or
    3. the student has not conferred with the instructor or department chair before filing the appeal.
  3. Allow the departmental committee to take action. If the appeal is not dismissed, the committee shall submit a copy of the student’s written appeal to the instructor with a request for a prompt written reply.
  4. Work toward a mutually agreeable solution in concert with the committee and the instructor. If a mutually agreeable solution is not achieved, the committee shall advise both the student and the instructor that the matter has been sent to the dean of the academic unit offering the course. The dean of the academic unit shall convene a committee of three (3) tenured faculty members from departments outside of the department offering the course. This committee shall hold an informal, non- adversarial fact-finding meeting concerning the dispute. Both the student and the instructor shall be entitled to be present throughout this meeting and to present any evidence deemed relevant, except the student shall not be present during the discussion of any other student. Neither the student nor the instructor shall be accompanied by counsel, an advocate, or a representative. The meeting shall be closed to the public. After the fact-finding meeting, if the majority of the committee finds that the evidence supports the student’s complaint, the committee shall take any action thought to rectify the situation, including, but not limited to:
    • directing the instructor to re-grade the student’s work,
    • directing the instructor to administer a new final examination or paper in the course,
    • directing the cancellation of the student’s registration in the course, or
    • if no reasonable alternative is available, directing the instructor to award a grade of “pass” in the course.

The committee is not authorized to award a letter grade or to reprimand, or otherwise, take disciplinary action against the instructor. The decision of the committee is final and shall be promptly reported in writing to the parties involved. The dean of the academic unit has the responsibility for implementing the decision of the committee. If the instructor of record is the department chair, the dean of the college/school must form a committee of a minimum of three (3) tenured faculty members from the college.  If the instructor of record is the dean of the college/school, the provost or his/her designee will hear the grievance and render a decision, or will form a committee of a minimum of three (3) tenured faculty members from outside the college/school to review and address the grievance and make a recommendation to the provost.  If the departmental committee’s decision differs from that of the college/school committee, then the dean of the college/school shall render a final decision with the approval of the provost.  In the event the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the departmental or college/school levels, the grievant may directly appeal the decision to the provost who has the authority to hear the grievance or refer it to a committee outside the college/school.  Upon receipt of the recommendation of the committee, provost shall make a final decision and inform the parties involved, and corrective action shall be taken promptly.