Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Pharmacy, Doctorate

The University Core Curriculum is the same across all undergraduate bachelor's programs.   Please consult the academic advisor for your designated major before selecting courses in this area.


General Education Core Curriculum43
Major Requirements146
Other Requirements38
Total Hours227

General Education Core Curriculum (Standard)1

ENGL 1301Freshman English I3
ENGL 1302Freshman English II3
MATH 2312Precalculus Math3
Life and Physical Sciences
CHEM 1311Chemistry I3
CHEM 1312Chemistry II3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture
ENG 2XX 43
Creative Arts
Visual and Performing Arts 53
American History
HIST 1301Soc & Pol Hist US to 18773
HIST 1302Soc & Pol Hist US Since 18773
Government/Political Science
POLS 2305American Government3
POLS 2306Texas Government3
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences 63
Institutional Options
COMM 1321Business & Professional Comm3
or COMM 1315 Public Address
PHYS 1301College Physics I3
Total Hours42

Students should be advised by a major advisor prior to registering for any credit, particularly any core curriculum credit as listed.


(N) represents the number of course credits.


Four (4) hours will be accepted for transfer students. Students may still be required to complete their institutions required math sequence to qualify for Calculus if they do not qualify for the course upon admission. TSU Math Sequence: MATH 1314 College Algebra, and/or MATH 2312 Precalculus Math must be completed if student does not meet SAT/ACT or TSI Math scores to qualify for MATH 2413 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry I in their first semester (See advisor).

ENGL 2332 World Literature IENGL 2333 World Literature IIENGL 2326 American LiteratureENGL 2328 African-American Literature 

Select from the following courses: THEA 1310 Introduction to TheatreMUSI 1306 Music AppreciationMUSI 1315 Fine Arts In Daily LivingARTS 1315 Intro African Art (TCCN: DRAM 1310, MUSI 1306, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323, ARTS 1301).


Select from the following courses: PSYC 2301 General PsychologyECON 2301 Principles Of Economics IECON 2302 Principles Of Economics IISOCI 1301 Introduction To SociologySOCI 1306 Contemporary Social IssuesSOCI 2306 Soc Of Human Sexuality and SOCI 2346 Introduction To Anthropology.

Major (Pharmacy)

PHAR 421
PHAR 411
Pharmacy Practice I
and Pharmacy Practice I Laboratory
PHAR 433
PHAR 413
Pharmaceutics I Calculations
and Pharmaceutics I Lab
PHCH 441Biochemistry in Human Disease4
PADM 423Ethics in Healthcare2
PHAR 401Patient Assessment Laboratory1
PHAR 426Pathophysiology2
PHAR 404Public Health I1
PHAR 422
PHAR 412
Pharmacy Practice II
and Pharmacy Practice II Lab
PHAR 434
PHAR 414
Pharmaceutics II Dosage Forms
and Pharmaceutics II Lab
PHAR 442Evidence-based Practice and Biostatistics4
PHCH 410Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry1
PHAR 428Pharmacolocy2
PHAR 405Public Health II : Immunizations1
PHAR 530Principles of Drug Action I3
PHAR 504Pharcotherapy IA : Nervous System Disorders4
PHAR 501Pharcotherapy IB : Renal Disorders1
PHAR 520Integrated Laboratory I2
PADM 515Professional Development Seminar I1
PHAR 539
PHAR 519
Pharm III Pharmacokinetics
and Pharm III Pharmacokinetics Lab
PHAR 526IPPE I - Community I2
PHAR 541Principles of Drug Action II4
PHAR 503Pharcotherapy IIA : Endocrine System Disorders3
PHAR 505Pharcotherapy IIB : Cardiovascular Disorders3
PHAR 529Integrated Laboratory II2
PHAR 523Pharmacy Practice III : Complemetary and Alternative Medicines2
PHAR 527IPPE - Community II1
PHAR 648Principles of Drug Action III4
PHAR 637Pharmacotherapy IIIA : Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders4
PHAR 620Integrated Laboratory III2
PADM 615Professional Development Seminar II1
PHAR 617Medication Therapy Management1
PHAR 627IPPE III - Healthcare Systems2
PHAR 649Principles of Drug Action IV2
PHAR 638Pharmacotherapy IIIB: Respiratory System Disorders2
PHAR 639Pharmacotherapy IV: Gastrointestinal System Disorders3
PHAR 621Integrated Laboratory IV1
PADM 621Economic Clinical Humanistic Outcomes2
PADM 630Pharmacy Practice Management3
PADM 634Pharmacy Jurisprudence3
PHAR 628IPPE IV - Healthcare Systems1
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences42
PHAR 716Research Seminar I1
PHAR 717Research Seminar II1
PHAR 718 Research Seminar III3
Total Hours146

Other Requirements

BIOL 111Biological Science Lab I1
BIOL 112Biological Science Lab II1
BIOL 1306Biological Science I3
BIOL 1307Biological Science II3
BIOL 245Human Anatomy & Physiology4
BIOL 347Microbiology4
CHEM 211
CHEM 231
Organic Chem I Lab
and Organic Chem I
CHEM 212
CHEM 232
Organic Chem II Lab
and Organic Chem II
MATH 1342Elementary Statistics3
PHYS 213College Phys Lab I1
PHYS 1301College Physics I3
CHEM 111Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM 112Chemistry II Lab1
FS 102Freshman Seminar/ first Year Experience1
Professional Electives
Select 4 of the following:4
Spanish for Pharmacy Prof 1
Emergency Preparedness 1
HSHA 332Intro Commun & Population Hlth3
HSHA 434Legal & Ethic Aspects Hlthcare3
Total Hours44

Elective courses. All students must complete at least four (4) semester credit hours of electives in the professional curriculum.

Transfer students should contact pharmacy admissions office to request approved substitute course(s).
Recommended pre-pharmacy elective courses that are not requirements of the degree plan include: PHAR 111 Pharmacy Orientation, PHAR 112 Pharmacy Orientation, PHAR 211 Pharmacy Applications, PHAR 212 Medical Terminology.

Pharmacy, Doctorate

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterHours
BIOL 111 Biological Science Lab I 1
BIOL 1306 Biological Science I 3
CHEM 111 Chemistry I Lab 1
CHEM 1311 Chemistry I 3
COSC 1301 Intro To Compr Science I 3
ENGL 1301 Freshman English I 3
FS 102 Freshman Seminar/ first Year Experience 1
Pre-pharmacy Elective 1
Second Semester
BIOL 112 Biological Science Lab II 1
BIOL 1307 Biological Science II 3
CHEM 112 Chemistry II Lab 1
CHEM 1312 Chemistry II 3
ENGL 1302 Freshman English II 3
HIST 1301 Soc & Pol Hist US to 1877 3
MATH 2413 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry I 4
Pre-pharmacy Elective 1
Required Summer Semester1
First Semester
HIST 1302 Soc & Pol Hist US Since 1877 3
POLS 2306 Texas Government 3
Second Semester
POLS 2305 American Government 3
Visual & Performing Arts 3 3
Third Semester
BIOL 245 Human Anatomy & Physiology 4
CHEM 211 Organic Chem I Lab 1
CHEM 231 Organic Chem I 3
PHYS 1301 College Physics I 3
PHYS 213 College Phys Lab I 1
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Select one of the following: 3
General Psychology
Principles Of Economics I
Introduction To Sociology
Contemporary Social Issues
Soc Of Human Sexuality
Introduction To Anthropology
Fourth Semester
CHEM 212 Organic Chem II Lab 1
CHEM 232 Organic Chem II 3
English 200 Level Literature 3
COMM 1321
Business & Professional Comm
or Public Address
BIOL 347 Microbiology 4
Pre-pharmacy elective 1
 Total Hours77

Recommended pre-pharmacy elective courses that are not requirements of the degree plan include: PHAR 111 Pharmacy Orientation,PHAR 112 Pharmacy Orientation,PHAR 211 Pharmacy Applications,PHAR 212 Medical Terminology.


A summer term is required to complete the Pharm.D. Curriculum.

MATH 2413 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry I: 4hourswillbeacceptedfortransferstudents.Studentsmaystillberequiredtocompletetheirinstitution’srequiredmath sequencetoqualifyforCalculusiftheydonotqualifyforthecourseuponadmission.TSUMath

Sequence: MATH 1314 College Algebra and/or MATH 2312 Precalculus Math must be completed if student does not meet SAT/ACT or TSI Math scores to qualify for MATH 2413 Calculus & Analytic Geomtry I in their first semester (See advisor).


A summer term is required to complete the pre-pharmacy curriculum in two years.


Visual and Performing Arts: THEA 1310 Introduction to Theatre, MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation, MUSI 1315 Fine Arts In Daily Living, ARTS 1315 Intro African Art.