Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Health Science - Health Admin. (HSHA)

HSHA 511  Info Systems in Hlth Care Admi  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN HEALTH CARE (3) An introduction to substantive course content that provides basic vocabulary and principles of modern information architectures, computer networking and communication technologies and scientific methods. The course will cover the integration of technology in healthcare at all aspects as a result of the electronic health records, Affordable Care Act, HIPAA, etc. The course will keep students abreast of all cutting edge information systems knowledge by providing real-time instruction using practitioners and case-based problem-solving.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 512  Intro to Hlth Care Org  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS (3) A review of U.S. health care organizations beginning with a historical context, systems theory, analysis of organizational components health service disciplines with personnel, national, state and local health trend analysis, quality assurance and its role in health care organizations, political issues, group projects and field trips.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 513  HC: Management Statistics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

QUANTITATIVE METHODS OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT (3) Mathematical, statistical, computer applications and statistical techniques used in decision making in health care hospitals.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 514  Human Resource & Labor Mgmt  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND LABOR RELATIONS (3) A review of the application of theories and concepts of organizational behavior to the personnel management function. Topics will include legal and regulatory influences, job analysis recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, performance, improvement and appraisal.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 516  Analysis of Hlth Care Mktgs  (2 Credits)  
Lecture: 2, Lab: 0  

ANALYSIS OF HEALTH CARE MARKETS (2) Introduction to survey marketing concepts as applied to health services organizations. Consumer behavior, marketing segmentation, target marketing, marketing research, management and control of marketing mix variables.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: (R)Dept of Health Sciences

HSHA 517  Health Care Economics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

HEALTH CARE ECONOMICS (3) Economy methodologies applied to the health services, concept of efficiency applied to production and distribution of health services, health insurance, government programs, health care personnel, health services organizations, current health policy issues, and emphasis on individual student application of economic principles to health issues.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 518  Urban Health Disparities  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 525  Healthcare Managerial Communication  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

The course develops the management skills and competencies to enhance oral and written communication for health care managers. The course docuses on developing written skills in executive

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 535  Health Care Professionalism/Leadership  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 612  Health Care Law & Bioethics  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

HEALTH CARE LAW BIOETHICS (3) Reviews legal principles influencing health care providers. An overview of basic instruction in contract law, tort law, and antitrust law. Emphasizes major health care liability producing areas and interfaces between law and ethics with an in-depth approach to monitoring the moral mission of the institution. Case studies and practitioner support will be emphasized in this course. Prerequisite: HSHA 512 or Program Director Permission

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 613  Research Desg Meth & Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

RESEARCH DESIGN METHODS (3) The course identifies health services research methodology used by health care administrators to collect, analyze and prepare reports for the purposes of running healthcare organizations. The courses focuses on both quantitative and qualitative research methodology enhancing competencies in decision-making based upon statistical analysis various forms of health care data including survey data, patient records, financial records, and other operational data. HSHA 512 or Program Director Permission

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 620  Contemporary Issues  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: (R)Dept of Health Sciences

HSHA 621  Healthcare Org, Strategy & Mgm  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Pratice/Clinical Hlth Sci

HSHA 650  Administrative Residency I  (3 Credits)  
Lab: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 651  Administrative Residency II  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

ADMINISTRATIVE RESIDENCY (3) A defined and structured field experience which will provide a practical professional relationship with preceptor, through handson practical experience which is gained of the management process within health service organizations and the application of theory and techniques through an assigned project or series of projects. Students must participate in two semesters (480 hours) of administrative residency. Students must have health insurance, liability insurance and current TB and immunization records. Prerequisite: Advisor Permission

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 652  Healthcare Managerial Finance  (3 Credits)  

MANAGERIAL FINANCE (3) Application of financial management techniques to decision making for health care providers. Financial management functions and organizations, financial statement analysis, working capital management, present value analysis, capital budget, analysis of local capital management, analysis of local capital budget, cost of capital, variance analysis, financial techniques, case studies, financial analysis. HSHA 512 or Program Director Permission

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 658  Thesis Research I  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

THESIS/RESEARCH PROJECT (3) An intensive research study or selected project on a critical issue of health care administration, giving evidence of a thorough study of original sources, using the information, skills and knowledge obtained throughout the course of study. The student must register for both 658 and 659 to complete the THESIS requirement. The instructor of the Thesis course does not have to serve as the chair of the thesis committee.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 659  Thesis Research II  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

THESIS/RESEARCH PROJECT (3) An intensive research study or selected project on a critical issue of health care administration, giving evidence of a thorough study of original sources, using the information, skills and knowledge obtained throughout the course of study. The student must register for both 658 and 659 to complete the THESIS requirement. The instructor of the Thesis course does not have to serve as the chair of the thesis committee.

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Pratice/Clinical Hlth Sci

HSHA 662  Health Policy Analylsis  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

HEALTH POLICY ANALYSIS (3) Analysis of major issues in health services in health care institutions, inclusive of hospitals, medical practices, public health, mental health and professional health education. Prerequisite: HSHA 512 or Program Director Permission

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 663  Epidemiology Health Care Administration  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3, Lab: 0  

EPIDEMIOLOGY FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (3) The course provides an overview into population health and other public health topics for healthcare administration students. The course provides an introduction to competencies in the surveillance of disease in the population. A general analysis of population and public health concepts and terminology explain illness in the population. HSHA 512 or Program Director Permission

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Dpt of Pharmaceu Sc& Env HS

HSHA 669  HSHA-Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 670  Cultural Competency for HealthCare Leaders  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 680  Health Admin Capstone  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: Phar Adm and Adm Health Scienc

HSHA 699  Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Lecture: 3  

Prerequisite(s): HSHA 512

College/School: College Of Pharmacy/Hlth Sci.

Department: (R)Dept of Health Sciences