Airway Science (AWS)
Introduction to Aviation Laboratory (1) Introduction to rudimentary flight procedures and techniques required for basic flight. Two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: AWS 101.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Aviation History (3) This course covers an overview of aviation history with a focus on the United States. Additionally, the course will discuss the origin of aircraft equipment. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Private Pilot Flight (3) This course prepares the student for the FAA Private Pilot Practical Examination. Successful completion of this course will permit the student to perform as a pilot in command of single engine aircraft transport of passengers or property; excluding fees or employment. Three hours of lecture per week. FAA approved. Prerequisite: AWS 103, Corequisite: 105L
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Basics of Communications (3) In accordance with FAA orders 7110.65 and 7110.10, the student will identify basic radio and interphone communications, ICAO phonetics, numbers usage, basic phraseology, coordination procedures, purpose and steps of the position relief briefi ng. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Flight Meteorology Laboratory (1) Introduction to the methods and techniques of flight meteorology. Two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: AWS 201.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Introduction to Air Traffi c Control (3) Study of the role of centers, approach towers, fl ight service stations, communication, and navigation procedures. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Intermediate Flight Theory (3) Aerodynamics, weight and balance computations, performance problems, flight maneuvers, aircraft power plant operations, flight physiology, cockpit instrumentation, and associated FAA regulations. Preparation for FAA commercial pilot written examination. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Air Traffic Control Laboratory (1) Practical application of air traffic control skills in a laboratory setting. Two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: AWS 321.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Principles of Aviation Property (3) Study of the processes of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling aviation property at fi xed based operations. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: AWS 205
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Airport Management (3) Origin of early legislation shaping development of present National Airport System; procedures for financing airport construction, phases of airport master planning, daily operations, and contractual provisions governing the operations of an airline. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Flight Instruction Airplane (3) This course is a study of the fundamentals of airplane fl ight instruction involving educational principles of the learning and teaching process, communication, teaching methods, critiquing, evaluating, and planning instructional activity. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: AWS 315.
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Effective HSEM Communications & Leadership (3) Prepares future aviation professionals with communication and leadership skills to fulfi ll teambuilding roles with government and non-government agencies during times of aviation disasters. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AWS 310
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud
Flight Physiology (3) A study of the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of medical issues associated with fl ight. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: AWS 105, AWS 105L, AWS 315
College/School: Col of Science, Engr & Tech
Department: Dept of TransportStud