Geography (GEOG)
Geography of North America (3) Geographical analysis of the nations of North American. Relationships among natural resources, social structure, and economic structure and development discussed. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Population Geography (3) Designed to demonstrate how spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration, and growth of populations are related to spatial variations in the nature of places. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Cities of the World (3) This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the city in the context of contemporary globalization. Analysis of urban patterns and processes through the theoretical perspectives of various disciplines and methodologies. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Introduction to Cartography (3) Introduction to the fundamentals of cartography, including basic computer mapping techniques. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Geography of Texas (3) Designed to acquaint students with the principal geographic factors influencing the development of the state of Texas. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Economic Geography (3) Consideration of oceans, rivers, and highways as carriers of trade and of factors of location, minerals, and population as determinants in the commercial development of our civilization. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Urban Geography (3) This course examines city systems and theories of urban location, internal spatial structure of the city, commercial and industrial location, social areas, neighborhood use and land use change, urban trends, and public policy. Three hours of lecture per week
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Geography of Asia (3) Survey of the geography of Asia with emphasis on the Middle East, Far East, and Indochina. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Geographic Information Systems (4) Survey of computerized spatial data handling systems for visual display or analytic modeling purposes. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CS 116 or the equivalent.
Prerequisite(s): (CS 116)
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
The People and Culture of Africa (3) Integrated overview of the African cultural history, social organizations, economic and political geography. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Geography of Health and Disease (3) Study of the spatial distribution of diseases and their relationship to the environment and the geographical aspects of health-related activities. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
Geography and Transportation (3) Consideration of the nature of spatial interactions, the various kinds of transport media, and the relationship between transportation and economic and social patterns. Three hours of lecture per week.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography
World Regional Geography (3) Survey of the regions and nations of the planet and the geographical foundations of their physical and cultural characteristics. Three hours of lecture per week. Listed as GEO 1303 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System.
College/School: Liberal Arts & Behavioral Scie
Department: Dept of History & Geography