Kinesiology (KIN)
Foundations I (3) Basic foundations in human performance, including historical development, philosophical implication, and issues related to movement. Tree hours of lecture per week. Listed as PHED 1301 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Individual/Dual Sports and Activities I (1) Teory, rules, and practice of archery, bowling, dance, weight training, and gymnastics/tumbling.Tree hours of laboratory per week. MAJORS ONLY
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Individual/Dual Sports and Activities II (1) Teory, rules, and practice of concentration and feld, swimming, badminton, wrestling, tennis, golf, and cycling. Tree hours of laboratory per week. MAJORS ONLY
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Foundations II (3) Continued study of the principles of human performance, including an overview of the status and scope of modern performance programs, activities for children of various ages, and assessment of skills. Tree hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: PE 127.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Introduction to Adapted Physical Education (3) Study of the general organization of programs and exercises for the handicapped. Recreational sports, aquatic skills, and planning procedures included. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Athletic Training Practicum/Seminar I (3) Teories and techniques of athletic training and their applications to practical and on-feld situations. Students also explore current issues that impact professional practices. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Athletic Training Practicum II (3) Advanced theories and techniques of athletic training and their applications to practical and on-feld situations. Students also explore current issues that impact professional practices. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Physical Fitness Programs for Elementary and Secondary Schools (3) Study and practice of ftness activities and the efects of exercise upon systems of the body. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Advanced Swimming (2) Completion of requirements for the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor’s Certifcate. Two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Current Red Cross Senior Life Saving Certifcate.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Advanced Gymnastics (2) Teory and practice in performing pyramid building, stunts, and apparatus activities. Two hours of lecture per week
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Performance Practicum (3) Techniques and theories of sports activities and their applications to practical situations. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Coaching and Ofciating Sports Activities for Secondary Schools (3) Study of coaching strategies, techniques, and theories of selected sports activities in secondary schools. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Coaching and Ofciating of Baseball and Concentration (3) Study of theory, strategy, and mechanics of coaching baseball and concentration. Emphasis placed on designing coaching strategies. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Administration of Intramural Sports (3) Techniques for organizing, directing, and supervising intramural programs of sports activities. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Organization and Administration of Physical Education (3) Emphasis on the organization and administration of physical education programs in elementary and secondary schools. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Movement Skill Development at the Elementary Level - (3) Te PE Program in the Elementary SchoolPrinciples of and activities for movement education and sports related skills at the elementary school level. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Principles and Techniques for Outdoor and Leisure Activities (3) Discussion of techniques and skills required for outdoor and leisure sports. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Advanced Techniques, Skills, and Rules for Sports Activities - (3) Fundamentals of Movement Techniques, skills, and rules of sports activities. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Athletic Training I (3) Demonstration and management study of athletic injuries. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Athletic Training Majors Only
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Athletic Training II (3) Fundamental principles and methods for preliminary diagnosis of athletic injuries, including choice of initial treatment and rehabilitation procedures. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: PE 370. Athletic Training Majors Only
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Terapeutic Exercise Modalities (3) Study of the use, selection, and application of therapeutic modalities in the rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Sociology of Sports (3) Sports and their impact on American society; social organization from play to professional sports; violence; discrimination; women in sports; socialization and implications from participation in sports. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Individual Development and Motor Learning (3) Study of the nature of learning factors that afect motor learning and individual development at various skill levels. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Facilities and Equipment Management (3) Discussion of skills and logistics necessary for management of sports facilities and related equipment. Tree hours of lecture per week. Ofered as needed.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Physical Education Seminar (2) Issues and application of organizational and administrative principles of physical education. Two hours of lecture per week. Majors only. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Rhythms and Games for Elementary School Teachers (3) Planning and execution of acceptable programs of physical education through the use of rhythmic and sports activities for the elementary grade level. Tree hours of lecture per week.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Current Problems in Physical Education (3) Study of selected problems and trends in physical education. Tree hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Administration of Athletics (3) Implementation and evaluation of athletic programs in secondary schools. Tree hours of lecture per week. Ofered as needed.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Tests and Measurements (3) Teory of measurements in physical education and recreation; selection of appropriate tests; and interpretation of test results through statistical procedures. Tree hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Kinesiology (3) Scientifc study of the skeletal muscles and human movement. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 245. Prerequisite: Junior standing
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Physiology of Exercise (3) Study of the efects of exercise upon the systems and organs of the body. Skill, endurance, fatigue, training, and other factors considered as they afect performance. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 245. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 245
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Independent Study (3) Research and/or feld work on selected projects or topics. Prerequisite: Consent of Advisor or Faculty Chair.
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology
Supervised Individual Work/Research in Kinesiology (6) Directed internship with local sports medicine facilities or programs that includes close supervision and seminars. Emphasis on improving professional competency in students and assisting to relate theory to practice. One hour of lecture and fve hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Human Performance and Athletic Training majors only
College/School: College Of Education
Department: Dept of Health & Kinesiology